This is our Traditional Thursday Night Golf League that the course has been running for years! It runs every Thursday Night from 4/4/24-8/15/24 (20 Week Session). Sign up is currently open to past players and will open up to new players on 3/24/24!
4/4/24 -League Welcome Back Scramble
4/11/24 -1st Official Week of League
4-Player Teams (Max 14 Teams)
Stroke & Match Play
$35 Registration Fee
$3/Week for KP’s & Payball (Optional)
$16 Green Fee due each week
This League is Handicapped!
Digital Scoring and tracking through Golf League GURU Software
If you can’t commit to a whole 20 week season, sign up to be a SUB! If someone can’t make it, we will call you to see if you can fill in!